

With each day, comes a new application of the same old anxieties.

On the part of the scale: things have definitely been going downhill since leaving San Diego. I can't pin much of the blame on Virginia since I distinctly wanted to come here, but I've managed to find all kinds of excuses for why I can't go out and get on my regular runs like I used to. It's too hot, too cold, too many damn gnats hovering at just the right height... but I'm gonna make a round turn on this one.

A somewhat new bit of anxiety has recently hit me, though: if someone over in Millington decides that for whatever reason I'm worth promoting again, my planned transition to the Fleet Reserves is gonna be pushed down the road until I can hit the mandatory two years time in rate requirement.

...And then there's that pesky NAVADMIN that came out in September, talking about optimizing assignments for E-8s and 9s.

Fortunately, worst case scenario for me at this point with that regard is I get picked up next year for ITCS and they realize, "We don't really need you there anymore. But we heard you did great things on that ship you just came from..."

What a terrifying thought.