
I'm not having much luck with li'l dude lately.

From the crazy mauling he gave my throat area a couple weeks ago...

To the incident last night.

I'd fallen asleep, and a couple hours later went to move my foot.

He didn't like that.

And clamped down on the other foot.

And then got super aggressive.

Ran to the top of the stairs and kept growling.


I had to check the camera feed to check whether I'd kicked him multiple times and this was the time he lost it?

...But no.

None of that.

Quite the contrary.

Dude has me weary AF about escalating attacks.

Today is gonna be... weird.

Already is.

Left earlier today because I just... I couldn't be at home anymore.

Hit almost every single red light this morning.

More people in the office at this hour than there traditionally has been. One of which is the goblin, and I had high hopes it was because she was here to clean out her desk and be gone before everyone else showed up.

Turns out it's because "I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep".


Got a dental appointment for Wednesday for a somewhat frustratingly located cavity.

Not excited about that.


I did have one neat thing happen last week: Got a call from Mazda saying that they had a rebate check that I'd never gotten for the car I got last year.

Didn't think it was gonna pan out to much, but...

A thousand bucks.

Imagine finding a thousand dollars.


Head meds continue to work their magic, but I can already feel the diminishing returns.

And as I'd expected, they're causing me to sweat more often for no real reason.


It is what it is.

I really wish the IT admin folk would block Twitter in their firewall policies.

Because it'd be a huge "fuck you" to Musk and co.

And because...

No, that's pretty much it.

Block Twitter, unblock Reddit ktxhbai.

Mama bear done gone on vacation.





Feeling pretty good today.

Not sure what to thank for it because...

It's Friday.

But also restarted my head meds yesterday.

Feeling... yeah, pretty good.

Gotta make another plaque for the folks at last command.

They already paid for it, so I gotta do it.

But I don't want to.

But... they paid for it.

But I still don't want to.

Fortunately, the friend responsible for ordering the plaques transfers soon, and thus my self-imposed obligation to them will be gone.

And then I can go back to not making plaques.


I don't want to.

Something's still wrong.

Not as bad as yesterday, but...

Still wrong.

Got in at 0420 this morning and couldn't for the life of me figure out why I was having so many issues backing into the parking spot.

I couldn't get backed in straight and couldn't figure out why.

Walking from the car to the building, there was noise coming from the woods.

It was an eerie mix of what I can only assume is quacking, but also... laughing?

Brain immediately decided there's goblins in the woods and I walked a teeny bit faster to the door.

More coworkers are showing up the past couple days way earlier than usual.

Changes to routine generally tend to freak me out, so maybe that explains some of it.

Entry/exit procedures also recently changed and are expected to remain that way for longer than I think should be the case.


The ominous feelings eventually reached peak spookiness and I bolted out of here pretty damn early, pretty damn fast.

Shortly after I got home, the weather took a turn for the worse and then a tornado watch was in effect.

Coming in this morning, the weather had become bad enough that they closed the one way I use to get in to/out of work just shy of when I would've normally left.

Which means that, had I stayed, I would've been forced to take a different route.

Which... even just thinking about it?



Worries of descent into dementia have appeared again.

Was watching some documentaries yesterday after I'd gotten home and... I dunno. I couldn't remember what the guy had said only seconds before. Each statement ended up slipping from memory before it could be properly committed.

Had a nap which turned into a full-blown sleep.

Full of strange dreams.

Which is noteworthy because I typically don't have the kind of sleep that lends itself to dreams.

Couldn't figure out why my icemaker wasn't working despite realizing I was pushing the water button.

Mangled one of my badges to the point of unrecognizability. Not sure how or when that happened. It just... did.

Those last two things were parts of the dreams, by the way.

...I think.
