
A watched light never turns.

I feel like that's a much better metaphor than the kettle one for our modern day era of... temporal frustrations?

Work continues to be... work.

It continues to pay well and be not personally satisfying. Though for my part, I continue to do what I need in order to feel useful and hope for a more fulfilling future.

Other than that... still alive.

Which may or may not be a good thing.

Did Trump just imply he was interested in instituting The Purge?

Because I really think he was.

Man, I really hope we can collectively vote correctly in November.


Fourth week at the new job, and it's not too shabby. Office is super quiet, folks are super friendly.

Though it's a bit slow.

Which is unfortunate.

...And not being in the Navy anymore, I can actually say that without fear of someone finding something for me to do in the form of random busy work.

Oh god the trauma.

Also: Veterans Affairs office handed down their decision: 80% service-connected disability.


Gonna try to fight them denying the hypertension thing since the start of my skyrocketing blood pressure is directly tied to 2018 when they gave me the Chief costume.


Time to continue reading up on .NET development.

Still alive. And also free.

It's been almost a month now since I've been retired from the Navy, and I've gotta say: it's pretty goddamn awesome.

Don't get me wrong: I don't completely regret the decision to keep going as long as I did, but it's a serious breath of fresh air to be away from a leadership role. I met a lot of great people over the past twenty years, but I met far more folks that had serious issues with putting in anything remotely resembling an actual day of work.

...Which generally meant that I was the one left to pick up their slack.


That book is finished.


Tossed deep into the darkest part of my closet.

And now I start the next book.

Also: this site has been live for years now and still no pagination in the blog? C'mon, man. Be better.

Back to work.

...On development stuff.

SkillBridge has been keeping me more than a little busy with other projects and I've grown accustomed to be able to shift to other non-IT things when I'm not doing IT things, so this site has kinda... festered a bit.

The backend is kind of a mess because I set it up to be super basic so I could just get the site out there, and I know that at least one individual got on my case for the super lazy I way I handle the navigation on mobile devices, so... yep.

Got things to do.

Gonna try to get them done.


Just found my super old Objective-C projects.

And I'm happier than I expected I'd be.


Good times.


Also: legacy is a neat word.