
"It's a burritos and YouTube kinda night."

Serious depression there.

Yesterday ended up being sporadically busy and productive at work, and though I'm content when I get to be busy at the place, it generally tends to the sporadic side of the spectrum than otherwise.

Random "emergencies" popping up as a result of piss-poor planning and/or excessive foot-dragging, usually.

Which I'm find with helping to resolve.

But when my day is filled with waiting, the limited well of patience I've got remaining is severely tested.

And the unfortunate part of that is that by the time I left yesterday, it was legitimately only slightly longer than a regular work day.

Got home, took the girls out for a walk, sat down and tried to play Assassin's Creed: Origins. Graphics were terrible, controls were sluggish. Couldn't do it.

Tried God of War 3 Remastered. They shoved un-skippable credits in my face right from the get go, and I couldn't do that either.

Ended up resigning myself to a few homemade burritos and random YouTube before just going to bed.

Adulting sucks.