
Filler words.

We all use them.

And a lot of the time, we don't even notice them.

Words like "so", "um", "like", and variants thereof.

Old guardsman here at work chains a shit load of them together as some sort of defense mechanism at the end of a lot of her sentences.

A lot.

"So but um..."

And she made the semi-joking statement just now that I'd stolen some work from her.

Nah, fam.

I was assigned that work.

Because I get shit done.


In other words: the training specialist job interview yesterday was... interesting? Showed up about half an hour early and then walked inside about fifteen minutes early.

Got picked up at the quarterdeck and walked around by someone that recognized me from years ago, much to my surprise and amusement.

The interview had three other training specialists, and the questions are largely simple. Examples of past work I'd done on training development, training itself, test development.

Final interviewer asked more pointed questions. How I prioritize projects. How I keep track of said projects.

"Give an example of a past coworker that you've been at odds with, and how you overcame that."


Sorry, Billy: used you for that one. You know I <3 u, though.

Left after five or ten minutes, with the person walking me out reminding me that "We work for the government... and bureaucracy isn't quick. We'll forward everything we have to our hiring manager and you'll hear back when we've got updates."

Fortunately, the USAJobs subreddit had me prepared for the wait: anywhere from six months to a year before I get an offer (of which there's a temporary and final variant).


I guess I'll just keep on keepin' on with this job as long as I can.

Or until my VA disability rating gets maxed out.