
Got a new 3D printer over the weekend.

Wife discovered yesterday and wasn't thrilled.

But hey: depression has a void that must be filled with new, shiny things.

And this is most definitely a new and shiny thing.

First one I've ever had where I can confidently start the print and walk away knowing that it's gonna do its thing without me having to micromanager or sweat that first layer.

For those curious, it's the FlashForge Adventurer 5M Pro, and it's absolutely amazing for the price.

It doesn't have some of the fancy bells and whistles that the Bambu Lab printers do, but it also doesn't have (as of yet) the threat of DRM lurking.

Though there have been arguments that it's beginning to lean that way due to the way it handles its network printing.

Meh, it is what it is.

For the price, no complaints.

In other news: finally got my ass over to medical yesterday to get checked out for this belly pain.

The doctor was very kind, and just quirky enough to be adorable.

She also had no idea what the hell it is. She poked, prodded, asked all the pertinent questions.

"I'm not ruling it out, but it's not likely to be appendicitis," she said. "It wouldn't cook that long. And if you don't have pain when lifting or pushing things, it's also unlikely to be a hernia. And since you're not having any issues with continence, it's unlikely to be anything colon related."

So she recommended I get set up to do an ultrasound for a start.

And then general surgery.

Eyes went wide.

"Not for the actual surgery," she told me. "For the workups. They'd help give a better insight than I can offer."

She was very thorough in her examination, and then wanted me to stop by the nurse station to get setup for follow-up appointments and referrals and all that jazz.

So I went to the nurse station.

And just kept on walking.

Main goal of the visit was the belly pain.

But also the blood pressure medication.

Mostly successful.

Medication is en route via ExpressScripts.

But I don't want to go back to medical if it's going to be a shrug.

Even if it's a kind, adorable shrug.

I'll continue to deal with the pain until it goes away.

Or it kills me.

No goblin this morning.

So I'm running at a solid 9/10.

