Came around the corner and saw the traffic lights of General Booth Blvd shimmering like giant emeralds.
But despite my distrust of that particular intersection, I was lulled into a false sense of "I can make it".
Came within a couple hundred feet of the light before it decided to stop fucking with me and turn amber.
...Only this time, the amber light was solid for long enough of a time that I could've made it.
Could've... could've made it.
But that's crazy talk.
Another work week comes to an end today, and with it begins a weekend of... welp... I dunno.
I did start a membership to Planet Fitness, so I should prolly start doing that.
But I also want to actually make this the weekend I follow through on my .NET development skills.
And there's also that new 3D printer I got. I do wanna print out a life-size version of my space waifu.
So many options.
And no reason why I only have to check only a single box.
Cheers, y'all.