
Today is gonna be... weird.

Already is.

Left earlier today because I just... I couldn't be at home anymore.

Hit almost every single red light this morning.

More people in the office at this hour than there traditionally has been. One of which is the goblin, and I had high hopes it was because she was here to clean out her desk and be gone before everyone else showed up.

Turns out it's because "I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep".


Got a dental appointment for Wednesday for a somewhat frustratingly located cavity.

Not excited about that.


I did have one neat thing happen last week: Got a call from Mazda saying that they had a rebate check that I'd never gotten for the car I got last year.

Didn't think it was gonna pan out to much, but...

A thousand bucks.

Imagine finding a thousand dollars.


Head meds continue to work their magic, but I can already feel the diminishing returns.

And as I'd expected, they're causing me to sweat more often for no real reason.


It is what it is.